Courses and Retreats

 Wild Songs

An immersion in nature, creativity and song writing with Martha Tilston and Andy Raingold

Wed 12th to Sun 16th June 2024 at a secret location at Dartmoor National Park, Devon

“A life changing experience with amazing people.”

As William Shakespeare once said “the earth has music for those who listen.” Wild songs is an exquisite blend of nature immersion and free flowing creative expression. Over five days, we offer you a full immersion into song and beautiful nature where you can fully connect with your own rhythm and find your authetic voice.

Together we will create songs, words, harmonies, poetry and melodies. It’s an opporunity for our creativity to be expressed freely, while being inspired and rejuvenated by the natural world and our inner knowing. By building community and a sense of togetherness, you will be unencumbered by self-conscious fears of performance or judgment.

“The alchemy of songwriting in the wild. Tapping into the words within us all.”

 Wild Stories

An immersive learning journey to find your authentic voice and inspire others. Through creating an oasis of calm, connection and curiosity, this camp takes a deep dive into story and what it means to be alive and human in these times. We take time to stop and listen in nature so that you can touch the stories in your heart and develop your capacity to tell these stories to a range of audiences to inspire and weave change. 

Facilitated by Martha Tilston and Andy Raingold (nature and transformation facilitator).

Sat 28th September to Wed 2nd October 2024 at a secret location at Dartmoor National Park, Devon


“The space to explore self and stories, especially those you didn’t know you’ve been longing to tell.”

“I have a renewed belief in my own talents and strengths. A portal to change and transformation, and to seed the change that is perfect for us.”

“Not only transformational, but full of fun, joy and laughter.”

Singing Pilgrimage 2025

Walk and sing with the sea. A sacred journey to cornish cliffs, hidden beaches and ancient sites.

Dates tbc

The Cornwall Coastal Path is a walker’s paradise - steeped with magic and history. Expect clear blue waters, big skies, smuggler coves, mermaid legends, standing stones and the possibility of meetings with dolphins, seals and whales. It will be a journey of song - connecting to traditional folk songs and the songs of the land. Facilitated by Martha Tilston and Andy Raingold (nature and transformation facilitator).

“Timeless magic on a timeless land listening to the songlines.”